Liberty Solutions
You hear about problems today on mainstream legacy media, but how often is a solution discussed? On each Liberty Solutions episode we talk about a current issue, the effects and the facts, relevant legislation, and the Constitution from the Founder's position. And perhaps we whine a bit. Then we cover the root causes and rational ideas for what the people can actually do to resolve the problems. TRIGGER WARNING: Facts and logic are used here. Feelings are not accepted as arguments. May not be appropriate for prisoners of their own drama.
Liberty Solutions
Key West and Federal Land Holdings
Host: Keith Bessette
Season 1
Episode 3
Keith discusses a trip to Key West, the Everglades, Lake Okeechobee, and the federal government taking and keeping unconstitutional control of land throughout the union. He rambles on about his observations of the federal government’s intrusions into life seen on the trip.Key West is an interesting pro-Liberty town. A live and let live place. It seceded briefly from the US in 1982, forming the Conch Republic to protest US Border Patrol’s roadblock and treatment of all of the Florida keys as another nation. The federal government grabbed all control of the Dry Tortugas from Florida in 1992 (the westernmost group in the Florida Keys). Congress has legislated the legal uses of Florida’s Lake Okeechobee, including authorizing fish and wildlife to use the lake. Keith wonders why the federal government owns 48% of California, and pays only $40 million in lieu of property taxes based on their own definition of the land’s value.